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How To Get Started With Email Marketing | DataStaples

How To Get Started With Email Marketing


In today’s data-driven world, running a business is a full-time job. With limited time and resources, it can be difficult to put whole efforts into marketing your business. But with email marketing, promoting your business becomes easy and simple. Amid the dominance of social media and other marketing channels, email marketing continues to be the most effective way of marketing to strengthen your bonds with customers. Also, it is extremely cost-effective to target new prospects while connecting with your existing customers.

Email marketing has changed the way we do marketing in this modern world. In recent studies, it has become more evident that email marketing continues to lead over digital marketing channels including social media and paid search. In addition to that, it offers a great return on investment (ROI) of about $42 for every $1 spent. Regardless of business size and industry type, anyone can get started with email marketing. In this blog post, we are going to give a brief about email marketing and how to get started with this process.

What is Email Marketing?

What Is Email Marketing | DataStaples

Email marketing is the process of sending emails to the target audience and customers. It lets you increase conversions and revenue by providing useful information to subscribers and consumers to help them achieve their goals. With email marketing, you can do a lot of things including sell products, share some news, and improve your cart abandonment rate, and much more.

Email marketing is 40 times more successful than Facebook and Twitter at acquiring customers. There are 3.8 billion email users in the world, so if you’re looking for a way to reach out to your clients, email is the way to go. As a result, if you’re looking for a way to stay in touch with your customers and keep them informed about your business, start with email marketing.

Why do You Need to Implement an Email Marketing Strategy in Your Business?

Email marketing generates the highest returns on investment (ROI) compared to all other marketing channels. Email remains to be the preferred mode of channel for 60% of customers. B2B marketers can create email marketing campaigns that support a variety of business objectives including:

  • Driving traffic to the website
  • Increasing brand loyalty
  • Increasing sales volume and revenue
  • Facilitating customer success
  • Informing and educating customers about your brand
  • Building credibility

Getting Started With Email Marketing

Now you got to know what email marketing is and why most businesses need email marketing! Let’s start – how to do email marketing.

Choose Your Email Marketing Service Provider

A successful email marketing strategy starts with choosing the right email service provider. If you’re dedicatedly working towards email marketing, you need to work with an email marketing service provider. Working with an email service provider is the only way for your business to leverage email marketing automation and effectively deliver messages to large groups of contacts or subscribers.

A good email marketing service provider will let you:

  • Connect with your site visitors.
  • Build long-lasting relationships with potential customers.
  • Convert those customers into happy customers.

Here are some top-ranking email marketing service providers you can choose from:

  • Sendinblue
  • Constant Contact
  • ConvertKit
  • AWeber
  • GetResponse
  • Campaign Monitor
  • Mailchimp
  • MailerLite

Businesses use email marketing services to extend their customer bases and sell their services and products. Professional-looking newsletters, seamless workflows, and up-to-date contact or mailing lists are all simple to create with the best email marketing services.

Build Your Contact List

Building the list of contacts is the primary step in getting started with email marketing. Without a list of contacts, the email marketing efforts will fall flat-down. Hence, you’ll need to collect the email addresses of your prospects. Make sure you can track the email addresses of visitors to your site, and provide a simple and clear way for them to join your email marketing list.

Build Your Contact List | DataStaples

Here are few steps which help you to build an email list:

  • Use opt-in forms on your website
  • Optimize your CTA buttons to get more email leads
  • Offer coupons, discounts, and freebies to get more email addresses
  • Use your blog to get emails IDs and generate leads
  • Use a live chat option to collect emails
  • Use CRM tools for effective email list management

Segment Your Audience

Once you’ve identified potential customers within your contact list, then you can create groups and segments to send more relevant and personalized emails to your recipients. List segmentation enables you to deliver more specific content to your subscribers. The more relevant your email communication is to your audience, the more likely they will continue to communicate with it.

Segment Your Audience | DataStaples

Here are the top five ways – you can segment your audience:

  • Geographic email segmentation
  • Demographic email segmentation
  • Content-Specific email segmentation
  • Behavior-Specific email segmentation
  • Influencer email segmentation

Typically, segmentation is most commonly used as a personalization strategy to offer more meaningful email marketing to subscribers based on their geographic area, preferences, purchasing history, and other factors. Whether you’re marketing B2C or B2B, email list segmentation is equally important to drive revenue for your email campaigns.

Design Your Emails             

Focus on your message and keep your template simple while designing email campaigns. We recommend organizing all of your email campaign’s elements in a hierarchy, with the most relevant details, so that people can easily scan your email. Focusing on Email Design is very important because it just takes 5 seconds for the user to go through the email campaign and decide whether to close the email or click through the email.

“A responsive email design can give you a 30% higher Click Through Rate”

Benefits of Good Email Design:

  • It will make the user feel like interacting with your company
  • It will drive the conversion rates
  • It will help to identify the brand and impress the readers
  • It will imply consistent experience for every email recipient
  • It will help to make sure your message is delivered in a fast manner

Spend Time on Subject Lines

Spend Time on Subject Lines | DataStaples

Here are few tips you can implement to create good email subject lines:

  • Shorten your subject lines
  • Avoid spam words in your email subject lines
  • Ask open-ended questions in your subject lines
  • Include offer deadline in the subject line
  • Give a clear command

Send Your Email at the Best Time

When you’re ready to send out an email, timing is an important factor to consider. Every audience is different and the best time to send will differ based on who’s on your email list. Hence, make sure to send the right message at the right time. You can also create and stick to a regular sending schedule. For example, if you send out a newsletter on the first of the month, your subscribers will come to expect it. Hence, it is essential to send emails based on the scheduling.

Track Your Results         

Once you’ve started sending emails, you’ll need to keep track of them and tweak your strategy to get better results. It’s important to analyze email marketing data to gain success. It’s the only way to figure out what works and what doesn’t, so you can stop spending time on strategies that don’t work and instead put your efforts where they’ll have the most impact.

Bottom Line

Although there are a lot of digital marketing options available to choose from, most businesses prefer email to gain a lot from their marketing efforts. Regardless of your budget or staffing resources, you can make email marketing work for your company. Use email marketing software that fits your needs, and start with the above-mentioned tips to see how far a successful email strategy can take you.