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Tips On Choosing The Right B2B Data Provider | DataStaples

Tips on Choosing The Right B2B Data Provider[Infographics]

Data is at the heart of today’s sales and marketing functions in the vast majority of firms. Whether it’s email marketing or direct marketing, B2B contact data is the foundation of any outreach strategy. As a result, selecting the best B2B contact data provider can free up your team to focus on reaching out to customers and closing sales.

What is a B2B Data Provider?

Tips On Choosing The Right B2B Data Provider | DataStaples

A B2B Data Provider is an entity that delivers b2b contact data based on their client’s requirements. Whether you need an email address & mailing data or telephone number of a business from a specific industry, a b2b data provider can deliver it.

An efficient b2b data provider may deliver end-to-end solutions that enable whole sales teams to quickly find, engage with, and sell to qualified buyers. As a result, selecting the best B2B data provider is crucial.

To make your job easier, we have laid out a few tips in this infographic that will help you in choosing the right b2b data provider for your organization.

Define the Objectives of Your Data

Before you begin thinking about choosing the data provider, first understand:

  • What do you want to accomplish with the help of data?
  • How does your data requirement help with your lead generation process?
  • How you’re going to measure the results?

Check For Data Coverage

Once you got an idea about data requirements, check for:

  • Identify the data vendor who has enough contacts that meet your target buyer persona.
  • Check whether their data coverage includes all geographical regions or not!
  • Also, ask them about the industry data coverage.

Check For Data Quality

Before you opt for a b2b data provider, check for the quality of data:

  • Do research on b2b data vendors, whether they are providing the best quality data or not!
  • Make sure to partner with a company that updates its b2b contact database regularly.
  • Identify the vendor who refreshes their b2b data repositories on monthly basis.

Look For Customized Data Provider

Before picking up any data provider, check for the following customized data options:

  • Is there a geo-targeted database available from the b2b database provider?
  • Is it possible to customize the database by name, size, SIC, and NAICS codes?
  • Does it include information such as job title, revenue, technology tracking, and other pertinent information?

Ask For Sample Records

When purchasing data, take a look at sample records.

  • Request vendor for sample data records to decide the data accuracy and completeness.
  • Ask the vendor for data from businesses you already know well and get insights.
  • Verify whether the information is accurate and avoid a vendor from giving you incomplete records.

Reseller or Originator

Before opting for a data vendor, check:

  • Is the data provider you opt for building their data or purchasing it from someone else?
  • To decide whether you are partnering with the right b2b data provider, check how they are compiling your data.

Check Pricing Options

While choosing any b2b database provider, check for pricing:

  • Select a b2b data vendor whose pricing options are competitive enough in accordance with the datasets they offered.
  • Do cost calculation on several parameters including requirement per day, tools used, email bounce rate, and more.

Check After-Sales Support

While choosing the best b2b data provider company, ask for:

  • Robust after-sales support so that you can better verify that the database they offer is reliable.
  • Make sure your data provider is ready to take control of that data and ready to replace it with new data if any information is inaccurate.

Bottom Line

In today’s data-driven world, b2b data is essential for reaching out to prospects and increasing sales. If you’re going to opt for a b2b data supplier, you have to make sure you’re on the proper track. To find out, use the above-mentioned tips.