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Email Marketing Strategies For Hospitals

Email Marketing

Email marketing is about building relationships.  The advent of internet brought next level of marketing strategy to connect business owners with their customers. One of such strategy is email marketing. These days email is a big part of our lives.  Everyone must agree

In recent years, there is a tremendous in increase usage of email &it’s predicted to increase exponentially in upcoming years. When it comes to marketing strategy, email marketing is about powerful & vibrant way to connect with people. It is a better & personalized way to connect with target customers. Healthcare is one of the booming industries& hospital is one of the largest business communities. So it requires effective & unique marketing across multiple channels. Engage your customers & be a leader in the provider of healthcare content & services.

Hospitals need effective online tools & strategy for interacting with patients, donors & anyone else, so that the right message will get prompt decision.

First & foremost important part of email marketing is collecting & building a file of email addresses. Once the list is compiled make sure spam elements is removed & successful email campaign is carried out.Fuel your email marketing efforts by building an address file which can act asa centralized repository.  Provide a sign up form on website & make your patients to subscribe newsletters.

Secondly, know your patients much better. Yes of course. Sending newsletters on paediatric care to a senior citizen doesn’t make any use. Surely it is about wasteof money & time. Hence segregate email id’s based age group so it becomes easy for you as well as campaign team to set up campaign effectively.

Run targeted email campaign to your patients on reminding existing services & announcement. In few cases you can let them know when it next appointment. Get used to accompany emails with book online link along with the subject.

Create a habit of spreading awareness message about managing chronic illness as it becomes work of mouth campaign among patients. Creating a short & funny infographic along with it makes your campaign purposeful.  Alternately spread news about regular blood donation camp happening within the campus. This is one of the smart ways to brand & promote you hospitals.

Believe it or not!! Healthcare industries have an average open rate of email as 22.43%, which is comparatively high among others. This is the reason why healthcare emails have grown exponentially as a form of digital marketing. Develop & create emails that nurture your existing & future patient’s effectively. Email automation can do this in your absence.

Some of the benefits of email marketing:

  • Make effective internal communication among doctors& patients.
  • Builds trust & loyalty
  • Create awareness about medical camp & blood donation.
  • Helps to understand your patients in a better manner
  • Promotes healthcare blogs & journals
  • Not only return on investment but also return onengagement (where you can analyze when & how people are engaging)

Here are few best practices for sending email:

  • Always look for opt in email address.
  • Create engaging subject lines & keep in short
  • Always have the habit of using pre header because it acts as a pre-screening tool for anyone to open
  • Make sure you email is easy to take action
  • Always write a scannable copy (we people love to share good content)
  • Show off your brand
  • Track your link
  • Always include details of your social media profiles
  • Analyze& understand user insights with different tools

Thus email marketing has very low cost involved with high return on investment along with deep insights about your business & audience.