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Clean Up Your Email Listss With These 5 Tips | DataStaples

Clean Up Your Email Lists With These 5 Tips

With the global pandemic Covid 19, email marketing is one of the most preferred modes of communication channel for many B2B marketers. The demand for email marketing is continuously evolving & provides more personalized experiences. So on average, 99% of the people check their email every day & the average open rate is 17.61% based on a report from HubSpot.

This involves several factors such as email deliverability, open rate, clicks, conversion & many. First & foremost, it is important to identify what keeps your email KPIs strong. The answer is simple. A well-cleaned email list. With a great email marketing strategy, you can keep your email engagement ratio high & improve your sales.

Email list cleaning scares a lot of B2B marketers as it involves an intense process in identifying the right email IDs which work for you.

Why should you clean your email list?

  • To limit subscribers
  • Decrease spam complaints
  • Improve deliverability
  • Increase sales
  • Improve email open rate
  • Keep the budgeting cost low
  • Less email bounce rate
  • Better Reporting

This blog is all about simple tips on cleaning your email list for better ROI.

Limit Your Subscribers:

Limit Your Subscribers | DataStaples

Have you ever noticed bombarding your audience with emails results in loosing of subscribers? Sending out the right number of messages is equally important as the quality of content. The more people on your email list, there could be higher the chances of the audience losing interest in your products. It is a simple strategy to review engagement when subscribers are no longer interested in your products.

Email scrubbing is one of the best practices of removing unengaged subscribers so that the email engagement ratio & ROI remains up. Keeping up with your email scrubbing is an essential part of your connecting with your target audience.

Identify Disengaged Subscribers:

Identify Disengaged Subscribers | DataStaples

As a part of email scrubbing, get to know about users who are truly inactive and disengaged. With a crystal clear understanding of the former & latter, you can have still a chance to reengage with users. Disengaged subscribers might just need some more targeted marketing campaign to refresh their interest & promote your products.

Set up criteria for disengaged prospects based on your business goals. Not opened your email for the past three or six months or even one year. Then they must be filtered & placed in a separate list with a personalized subject line or promo codes. After above all activities if a user still remains inactive, then better remove them from your email list.

Check out reason for email bounce:

Bounce rates are crucial for any email marketing campaign. Bounce rate can be of two different types hard & soft bounce. A hard bounce is a permanent issue because of an inactive email or wrong email id. The latter is due to inbox full or email domain issues that can be fixed. Hard bounce email ids must be removed while soft bounce could be resolved over time.

Reduce Spam Complaints:

Reduce Spam Complaints | DataStaples

Your reputation spoils with the spam complaints. If your emails are continuously marked as spam then your ESEP might go down. This reduces to email deliverability rate.

Things to be taken care of in avoiding spam filters.

  • Pay attention to technicalities
  • Choose reliable Email Service providers
  • Test your email before sending
  • Connect with dormant subscribers
  • Include a strong subject line
  • Follow up continuously
  • Exclude spam trigger words

Even after the above steps, if a subscriber mark your email as spam, it is perfect time to remove the ids from your email marketing list.

Increase Your Deliverability:

Increase Your Deliverability | DataStaples

With a clean email list it is possible to improve the email deliverable rate but on the other hand, if the list is full of email address which doesn’t engage then it is a better option to change the email list. Enforce email policies by improving your reader’s interest & trust along with your brand value. With smart email, the policy ensures a better email deliverable rate for your B2B campaigns which will stop marking your email as spam.

Improve Your Email Open Rate:

Improve Your Email Open Rate | DataStaples

Quality over quantity is the modern mantra of B2B marketing. If you ever experience a decline in email open rate then it is the perfect time to list out the inactive subscribers. Plan for a re-engagement campaign & retain only the active subscribers who can be potential customers for your business.

A reduced email open rate doesn’t mean recipients are uninterested in your business; probably they were not interested in the type of content you show them. Reengage with the customers by providing free gifts, discounts, special perks & more to read your email & show interest. Provide social media profiles to connect with consumers across all different marketing channels with exclusive content.

Wrapping up:

Email marketing is one of the best & smart ways to connect with your customers across any industry vertical. With routine clean-up & strong data reports, the email conversion rates can be taken up. The way you engage with your contacts can help in promoting your products & maintaining quality relationships with customers. So having queries in growing your email campaigns or cleansing your existing email list? connect with the DataStaples team immediately & get unlimited offers for your deals.